Latest Saudi News

Saudi Arabia to be center of medical excellence

Saudi Arabia is well on its way to becoming an impressive center known for excellence in health care, based on the vision of the late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz,according to an American healthcare architect.

“Our firm, 'RTL Associates', has designed three medical cities in the Kingdom, all of which harbor the aim of delivering comprehensive health care to Saudi citizens,”

said Ousama Mortada on the sidelines of the Saudi-American Healthcare Forum at Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia: Low-cost Haj quota benefit 50 K pilgrims

Fifty thousand domestic pilgrims will benefit from the government’s low-cost Haj service this year, said Saad Al-Qurashi, chairman of the Haj and

Umrah Committee at Makkah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on Monday.

“There will be seven categories in the low-cost Haj service with prices ranging between SR3,000 and SR5,000,” Al-Qurashi told Arab News. During the past three years, the number of pilgrims benefiting from the service

Saudi Arabia: The Saudi International Exhibition for Furniture 2015

The 23rd edition of Saudi International Exhibition for Furniture and Interior Design will be held from April 29 to May 5. 

"The event showcases modern and exclusive products offered for the first time by international companies before bringing them to the local market. It aims to survey the visitors’ opinions on the products, and attract local investors,"

Saudi Arabia: Saudi Stock market continued its positive drive

The Saudi stock market continued its positive drive for the third consecutive week, witnessing the long-term upward trend last week.

Growth prospects as a result of Capital Market Authority's (CMA’s) decision of market opening to direct foreign investment in June tended to attract a pack of investors.

A considerable amount of volume two billion shares exchanged hands on the Saudi stock market, a weekly growth of 30.7 percent.

Bulls continued to pump more and more liquidity, which rose to a significant level of SR56.1 billion, up 41.7 percent over the previous week.

The benchmark Tadawul All-Share Index set out with a highest one-day settle (four percent) of the year, which remained almost intact. The index logged a weekly gain of 3.93 percent or 363.4 points to finish at 9,614.61.

Saudi Arabia: 242 Graduates, post-graduates ready contribute to the Kingdom’s economy

Caption: The Batch of Master class of UBT on their graduation cermoney 2015. 242 students of University of Business and Technology (UBT) received their graduation diplomas of Bachelors and Masters on Wednesday as students of 2014 -2015 and who are ready to join the Saudi labor market to contribute in the economy of the country.

A total of 242 female graduates and post-graduates are ready to join the labor market and contribute to the Kingdom’s economy.